The main museum of Yamal became the pioneer in development of the new technology | Север-Пресс



The main museum of Yamal became the pioneer in development of the new technology

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Employees of the main museum of Yamal presented a new project – the augmented reality technology, which allows combining the virtual and real world. As it should be noted, there are no analogous projects in Russian museums; there are similar ones only abroad in the Smithsonian American Art Museum in the USA.

The project uses augmented reality glasses, the model of which today is the most advanced in the modern world.

Animation of the permanent exposition “Time of Mammoth” with three-dimensional objects (animals) of the Ice Age for creation of the lively fascinating visual narration for visitors of all ages is the main idea. This exhibition was chosen not by chance, it is in demand among visitors and most fully reflects the historical period of time – the Ice Age, presents the rich collection of mammoth fauna and the exhibit of the world significance - the mummified baby mammoth Lyuba found on the territory of Yamal in 2007.

Together with the company Magnet, which became the partner in fulfillment of the project, the museum developed the scenario, thought out the holographic interface that includes the convenient and intuitive control menu, navigation elements, pop-up text prompts with information.

A visitor, wearing the glasses, continues to see the surrounding real space, but with adding of virtual elements, becomes an eyewitness to the birth of the Earth. Epochs, natural phenomena, flora and fauna change; the animated exhibition appear before his/her eyes most realistically. Images and videos appear at the right moment during the audio narration.

The baby mammoth Lyuba is the main character and the guide. She accompanies the visitor through the territory of mammoth habitat, introduces the Mongochen mammoth, the baby mammoth Masha, the rhinoceros and other animals – the fox, the wolverine and the hare. In addition, the baby mammoth tells about the theory of extinction of mammoths.

It is possible to sign up for the tour with the augmented virtual reality since the first of December.

The project was implemented within the regional project “Digital culture” of the national project “Culture”.