The ministry and regions should agree about development of the Northern Sea Route | Север-Пресс



The ministry and regions should agree about development of the Northern Sea Route

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Deputy Prime Minister, the chairperson of the state commission on development of the Arctic Dmitriy Rogozin entrusted the ministry for transport and regions to discuss interaction on issues of the Northern Sea Route, as RIA "Novosti" informs.

According to the words of Dmitriy Rogozin on the first sitting of the state commission on development of the Arctic, there are ship-repairing capacities, which can be used as a hub at preparation of ships and vessels at passing on the Northern Sea Route. He thinks that there is sense for the ministry for transport to meet with governors and to discuss how to make the administration of the Northern Sea Route closer to those regions, where it needs to control transit and security. He considers it needs to be closer to the subject in a truest sense of the word. He asked to discuss these issues and to make a report. As we should remind, in March the government of the Russian Federation approved the decree about creation of the state commission on the Arctic, Dmitriy Rogozin was appointed its head. The task of the commission is to coordinate work of regional and local authorities and other state bodies at solving of socioeconomic tasks in the Arctic and national security, and also development of the Northern Sea Route.