The new icebreaker "Leader" will surpass icebreakers of the latest generation | Север-Пресс



The new icebreaker "Leader" will surpass icebreakers of the latest generation

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Krylov State Research Center together with the Design Bureau "Iceberg" and "Atomflot" elaborates the project of the new nuclear-powered icebreaker "Leader". This information was given by the deputy director general of Atomflot Stanislav Golovinskiy within the second Arctic investment summit in Moscow.

"Leader" will surpass even icebreakers of the latest generation purposed for extractive fields in Yamal. The new icebreaker will be able to overcome ices with the thickness 4.5 meters. The width will make about 50 meters; it will allow using the icebreaker for piloting of big tankers. According to the words of Stanislav Golovinskiy, the sketch project of the new icebreaker will be ready till 2016, as it is informed on the website Also a multifunctional shallow-draft nuclear-powered icebreaker is designed in Russia. It will be used as an icebreaker for supply and an icebreaker for rescue. In particular, it will be used for work on the shelf. Development of projects of the new icebreakers is conducted according to the program on development of civil marine engineering.