The nuclear-powered icebreaker "Yamal" conducted piloting of combat ships of the Northern Fleet to the Laptev Sea | Север-Пресс



The nuclear-powered icebreaker "Yamal" conducted piloting of combat ships of the Northern Fleet to the Laptev Sea

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A group of combat ships and auxiliary vessels of the Northern Fleet fulfilling the arctic expedition overcame the narrowest part of Vilkitsky Strait and came to the Laptev Sea, as it is informed in the message of the press-service of the Northern Fleet.

The ships and the vessels are moving in a line behind the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Yamal". The large anti-submarine ship "Severomorsk", the large landing ships "Kondopoga" and "Georgiy Pobedonosets" are going right behind the icebreaker. The auxiliary vessels are going after them: the anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels "Alexander Pushkin" and "KIL-164", the rescue tugboat "Pamir" and the marine tanker "Sergey Osipov". Ice reconnaissance was conducted before the ships were preparing to pass Matisen Strait. The reconnaissance was fulfilled by the helicopter Ka-27 from the board of "Severomorsk". Now hydro-meteorological conditions on the passage from the Kara Sea to the Laptev Sea are favorable. Visibility in the district of navigation of the ships allows revealing ice accumulations on big distance and fulfilling safe maneuvers. The icebreaker "Yamal" of the state corporation "Rosatom" has participated in piloting of ships and vessels of the Northern Fleet for the second time. The first time took place in 2013 within providing of the arctic expedition of the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Pyotr Veliky". Last year ice piloting of a group of ships of the Northern Fleet was fulfilled by the ice-breakers "50 Let Pobedy" and "Vaygach".