The Russian Arctic can become the object of statistical observation | Север-Пресс



The Russian Arctic can become the object of statistical observation

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The conference on the issue about inclusion of the Russian Arctic zone to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Regions took place in the Ministry for regional development.

As the director of the department for strategic development and state policy in the sphere of territorial planning Yelena Chuguyevskaya informs, the Ministry works on the issue about identifying the Russian Arctic zone as an independent object of state statistical observation for fulfillment of instructions of the president and the government. As it is noted within the conference, identification of the Arctic with the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Regions is necessary for identifying the Russian Arctic zone as an independent object of statistical observation. As the official says, inclusion of the Arctic to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Regions will provide the opportunity in automated mode to form comparable official statistics on indexes characterizing socioeconomic development of the Arctic zone. Now the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) is preparing suggestions on actualization of the Federal plan of statistical work with consideration of identification of an independent section for forming of official statistical information on indexes, which characterize socioeconomic development and state of national security of the Arctic zone. The decision about necessity to include the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation to the independent section of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Regions was taken by the results of the discussion.