The Russian authorities plan to develop the Northern Sea Route actively | Север-Пресс



The Russian authorities plan to develop the Northern Sea Route actively

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The Russian authorities intend to develop the Northern Sea Route actively to use transit potential of the country. This information was given by the minister for transport of the Russian Federation Maksim Sokolov in the interview to the TV channel NTV.

As the minister notes, use of transit potential of the country is one of 6 aims, which were approved by the government of the Russian Federation within development of transport system till 2030. But with consideration of the amount of the market, which exists, they believe that it is possible to claim to about 10 percent of the total container turnover and to receive more than 50 milliard dollars per year. He adds that for this aim it needs to develop both on-land transport communication and water routes. According to his words, the Northern Sea Route is one of such examples, as it is informed on the portal Now infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route is being actively developed, building of the port of Sabetta on Russia’s northern waters is being completed, as Maksim Sokolov notes. Cargo streams being formed also due to building of the plant on liquefying of natural gas in Yamal will go on the route since 2018. It will give a full-scale and cumulative effect, as at once the cargo base will grow on 18 million tons in comparison to today’s 4 million.