The score 7:7. Goryachkina and Wenjun played the second game of the tiebreak in a draw | Север-Пресс



The score 7:7. Goryachkina and Wenjun played the second game of the tiebreak in a draw

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In Vladivostok the second of four possible games of the tiebreak match for the title of the world chess champion came to an end. The opponents - the Chinese chess player Ju Wenjun and the Russian chess grandmaster, a resident of Salekhard Aleksandra Goryachkina played a draw.

According to commentator Sergey Shipov, despite the draw, our sportswoman showed better playing for almost the entire game. As a result, the opponents “played up to the denuded kings”, in other words, they were left with two king’s chess pieces.

At the moment, the score of the match is 7:7. Earlier, the first game of the tiebreak also ended in a draw.

If at the end of four games of “the rapid chess” the winner of the match will not be defined, then Goryachkina and Wenjun will first play the blitz match, and then, perhaps, also the so-called “death game” or “Armageddon”.

For each “rapid” game of the tiebreak the girls receive 25 minutes with addition of 10 seconds for each new move. On the blitz match they receive 5 minutes with 3 seconds per move. For “the death game” black receive four minutes, white - five. However, in the event of a new draw, the victory will be given to black chess pieces.

The video can be found here: