The second gas deposit will be opened in Bovanenkovo field | Север-Пресс



The second gas deposit will be opened in Bovanenkovo field

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Gas deposit N1 will be input to operation in the third quarter of this year in Bovanenkovo oil, gas, condensate field on the Yamal peninsula. Gas deposit N2 works now in the field.

By the information given in IA "Arktika-Info", gas deposit N1 includes the first stage of the booster compressor station and 60 subordinate objects, which include clusters of gas wells, approach motor-roads and electric transmission lines and others. Input of the second gas deposit is one more step in the planned work on reaching of project capacity of the field, which will make 115 milliard cubic meters of gas per year, and 140 milliard cubic meters – in the prospect. In total 3 gas deposits will work in Bovanenkovo. They include 4 gas treatment units, 12 booster compressor stations and 775 wells. Also forming of the system of trunk gas pipelines Bovanenkovo – Ukhta is continued. Building of the second line of the gas pipeline and 8 compressor stations takes place in accelerated tempo. The first line with the length 1240 kilometers and the first workshop of the compressor station "Baydaratskaya" already work. Completion of the gas-transporting system is planned for 2016. As we should remind, Gazprom started gas extraction in Bovanenkovo in October of 2012.