Written speech is still not everything. Archeologists of Yamal are making bridges between the East and the West | Север-Пресс



Written speech is still not everything. Archeologists of Yamal are making bridges between the East and the West

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Scientists from Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug participated in the International conference “Development of the UK-Russia Arctic Research and Collaboration Network”, which took place in Archangelsk on the basis of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. This information was given to the news agency “Sever-Press” in the scientific center for study of the Arctic.

On the section dedicated to issues of history, archeology and cultural geography of coastal areas of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic an employee of the scientific center for study of the Arctic Andrey Plekhanov told the participants of the conference about researches being conducted by the sector of archeology of the center. As he notes, work of the Yamal archeologists helps in a new way to cover ancient and medieval history of the modern territory of the Autonomous Okrug that had no written speech but was rich with events. Andrey Plekhanov told the colleagues about finds made within the field season of 2017 and analytical researches conducted by the results of archeological excavations earlier. Owing to this work the specialists received new knowledge about development of traditional cultures and kinds of economy, mainly, reindeer husbandry and fishery, about what trading relations existed in the north of Western Siberia. In the opinion of the archeologists of the scientific center for study of the Arctic, researches allow positioning the territory of the modern Yamal as a region with rich culture and history that is equal to Ancient Rus, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and which is a kind of the cultural bridge between the West and the East.