Yamal believes in farmers. Millions – for development of farm holdings | Север-Пресс



Yamal believes in farmers. Millions – for development of farm holdings

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Names of the winners in the contest on providing grants for beginning farmers became known in Yamal on the 23rd of October.

The head of the Directorate for development of rural territories of the Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Shmelev said that 18 applications had been submitted for the contest, 16 of them - in the direction “reindeer husbandry”. Two more applications related to development of plant growing and greenhouses.

The regulation defines the duties to be performed by peasant farms (peasant farm holdings) that submitted applications. In particular, they must invest at least 10 percent of their own funds in business, and they must have no tax debts.

12 people reached the second stage of the contest. Among them the commission selected 5 applications, the most promising for implementation in Yamal. All of them are aimed at development of reindeer husbandry: creation of working places and increase in production amounts. Three of five people are from Yamalskiy district, one person from Tazovskiy and one from Priuralskiy district.

Dmitry Shmelev notes that if applicants have difficulties with collection of documents, the competence center is aimed at removing any problems associated with writing plans on development of a peasant farm holding and its further support.

The next contest must be announced till the 1st of November. It will be held before the end of this year, and the money will be paid to the winners also this year. Those, who did not win this time, have the opportunity to try again, having finalized their proposals. Two contests are planned for next year. This is agro-startup. Not only existing peasant farm holdings, but also individuals, who have a duty to register a farm holding during certain time, can participate in it. And the contest for support of beginning farmers, which is being held now, is also provided for next year.

It has been held not for the first time. The novelty of 2019: the amount of the grant increased from 1 million 500 thousand to 3 million rubles. For this amount a peasant farm holding can buy animals, machinery, equipment for products processing. There are five grants. Practice shows that after receiving them, peasant farm holdings successfully operate, develop with help of this measure of state support.

According to Dmitry Shmelev, now more than 70 peasant farm holdings work in Yamal, about 40 have been created this year.

“We believe that development is connected with measures taken at the regional level - grant support”, he said. – “Other people, who want to create a farm, appear. Now population receives explanations on advantages that appear for peasant farm holdings as agricultural producers.