Yamal is preparing to send the environmental task force to Vilkitsky Island | Север-Пресс



Yamal is preparing to send the environmental task force to Vilkitsky Island

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In Yamal in the Year of Ecology it is planned to send the new environmental task force to Vilkitsky Island – in summer of 2017. The company “Gazprom Neft” rendered financial support in organizing of the expedition.

The company pays special attention to issues of safety of production activity and liquidation of ecological damage accumulated since soviet time in regions of its presence. It is important to support the initiative of the regional authorities on cleaning of Vilkitsky Island, as the director general of “Gazpromneft-Yamal” Aleksey Ovechkin notes. Vilkitsky Island is situated in the east of the Kara Sea, between the Gulf of Ob and the Yenisei Bay. Its width makes 9 kilometers, the length – 18 kilometers. It received its name in the honor of the Russian hydrographer-geodesist, the head of the main hydrographic board, lieutenant general Andrey Vilkitsky (1858-1913). At the present time the island is uninhabited. Financing will take place within the complex program of social investments of Gazprom Neft “Native towns”. The project is directed to increase in life quality in regions of the company’s presence, extension of access for their inhabitants to qualitative urban environment, education and culture, as the press-service of the company informs. As we should remind, in the Year of Ecology Yamal fulfills more than 70 nature-protecting initiatives foreseen in the regional plan of activities. Among them there are the following: cleaning of Vilkitsky Island, completion of ecological activities on Beliy Island, creation of the nursery of green vegetation in Salekhard. Also it is planned to inculcate the scientific and educational project on study of glaciers in the district of the massif Rai-Iz on the Polar Urals. 12 actions on cleaning of different territories of the region from unsanctioned landfills and on planting of trees will take place in all municipalities of the region. The list of ecological activities will be replenished. For Yamal the topic of nature protection is a vitally important priority. Ecological projects here are both full-scale and industrial. Systematic work on liquidation of accumulated ecological damage on the Yamal peninsula, Beliy Island and Vilkitsky Island is conducted. The region strictly approaches to ecological obligations of oil and gas companies. And it needs to note, there is full understanding from the side of fuel and energy companies, as the governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin notes.