Yamal takes the second place in Russia on the amount of investments per capita | Север-Пресс



Yamal takes the second place in Russia on the amount of investments per capita

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Yamal takes the second place in Russia on the amount of investments per capita. This information was presented in the report by the governor of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitriy Kobylkin on the conference about fulfillment of investment policy in Tyumen Oblast, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. It took place in Tyumen.

As Dmitriy Kobylkin underlines, 933 thousand rubles of investments to the major capital per one inhabitant of the region were last year. Yamal is one of the leaders on attracting of foreign investments. 4 milliard and 500 million dollars of the USA were invested to the region last year. Yamal became the fourth in the rating among subjects on the amount of foreign investments to economy. In much these results are stipulated with concrete methods of stimulation of investment activity, which are taken in the region. The mechanism of tax exemptions acts in the region for activation of investors, who fulfill large projects with capitalization more than 1 milliard rubles. Such projects receive the status of priority. Thus, last year the amount of investments involved to economy of the region in the result of fulfillment of such projects made more than 62 milliard rubles. The total amount of investments, which will be received in economy of the region, by the results of fulfillment of the priority projects, will exceed 900 milliard rubles to 2020. The whole complex of measures of financial support is fulfilled for small and medium-size business. Grants for beginning of own business, support through leasing mechanisms, compensation of interest on attracted credits and support of business on organizing of "private kindergartens" are in demand most of all. As Dmitriy Kobylkin notes, small business reacts on this support with active growth of indexes of its development in Yamal. Only during the latest three years each budgetary ruble allocated for support of small business gave 26 rubles of turnover growth in its activity. As Dmitriy Kobylkin declares, in conditions of outflow of capital and unwillingness of investors to take decisions, Yamal is able to keep enough investment stability. The targeted index "increase of the amount of investments not less than up to 25 percent of the interior gross product till 2015 and up to 27 percent – till 2018 was set in one of presidential decrees in May (decree N596 "About long-term economic policy"). The amount of investments in the gross regional product exceeded 48 percent now, thus, having provided the fifth place of Yamal among all subjects of the Federation.