"Yuriy Ervier" is again in the height | Север-Пресс



"Yuriy Ervier" is again in the height

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The aircraft named after Yuriy Ervier arrived to Salekhard on the 15th of April. It belongs to "Yamal Airlines". The aircraft "Airbus А-320" is named after the famous soviet geologist.

As we should remind, in 2012 the committee on awards at the governor of Yamal and the administration of the company took the decision about giving personal names of famous people of Yamal to own aircrafts of "Yamal Airlines". Thus, the aircraft "Airbus А320-214" with the board number VQ-BNR 1054 is named after the ex-governor of Yamal Yuriy Neyolov. The aircraft "Yuriy Neyolov" fulfilled its first flight on the 20th of June of 2012 on the route Domodedovo – Belgorod – Noviy Urengoy – Domodedovo. The second aircraft with the personal name "Yuriy Ervier" reminds about life of the great soviet geologist, the chief of the main Tyumen production geological department (GlavTyumenGeologia), the outstanding head and organizer of geological prospecting work in Western Siberia. Discovery of all the first western Siberian fields of oil, gas and condensate is directly connected with the name of Raul–Yuriy Georgievich Ervier. During almost a quarter of the century he headed the geological service of Tyumen Oblast. He became the founder and the first chief of the main Tyumen production geological department, the largest one in the system of the Ministry for geology of the USSR; he created the high-professional collective of geological prospecting workers. In total, during his work, the geological service of the region prospected and discovered more than 250 fields of oil and gas, 112 fields were referred to the category of large (49 fields), the largest (33 fields) and unique (30 fields). The aircraft "Yuriy Ervier" can carry up to 220 passengers, the length of a flight is up to 5500 kilometers.